Randal Dong

Software Engineer

Available for work

Randal Dong

Software Engineer

Available for work

Randal Dong

Software Engineer

Available for work

My Projects

Welcome to my Project Page! I'm Leon, a web designer focused on crafting seamless, captivating digital experiences. Explore my work—a blend of responsive design and intuitive UI. Let's create digital stories together!

My Projects

Welcome to my Project Page! I'm Leon, a web designer focused on crafting seamless, captivating digital experiences. Explore my work—a blend of responsive design and intuitive UI. Let's create digital stories together!

My Projects

Welcome to my Project Page! I'm Leon, a web designer focused on crafting seamless, captivating digital experiences. Explore my work—a blend of responsive design and intuitive UI. Let's create digital stories together!

My Projects

Welcome to my Project Page! I'm Leon, a web designer focused on crafting seamless, captivating digital experiences. Explore my work—a blend of responsive design and intuitive UI. Let's create digital stories together!



Generative AI

Machine Learning

Mathematical Modeling



Generative AI

Machine Learning

Mathematical Modeling



Generative AI

Machine Learning

Mathematical Modeling



Generative AI

Machine Learning

Mathematical Modeling

Let's Talk

Let's Talk

Let's Talk

Let's Talk