Cloth Simulation

Cloth Simulation

Cloth Simulation

Cloth Simulation


UC San Diego


UC San Diego


UC San Diego


Jan 2023 - Mar 2023


Jan 2023 - Mar 2023


Jan 2023 - Mar 2023

Mass-Spring System
Physics Engine
Rendering Engine
Interactive Control
Cloth Simulation

Video Demo


  • Simulated a piece of cloth made from particles, spring-dampers (structural, shearing, bending), and triangular surfaces; rendered the scene with adjustable lights and customized textures

  • Realized effects of gravity, spring forces, aerodynamic force on surfaces, and collisions with ground and sphere

  • Developed a GUI allowing parameter adjustment, camera movement, cloth movement, changing cloth hang mode

Feature Status

The cloth simulation module uses a Mass-Spring System to simulate a piece of cloth. It currently supports the following features:

  1. General 4. pause simulation

  2. Cloth control & physics attributes

    1. move cloth

      1. translate +x (right): D

      2. translate -x (left): A

      3. translate +y (up): W

      4. translate -y (down): S

      5. translate -z (inward): Q

      6. translate +z (outward): E

      7. rotate clockwise: C

      8. rotate counterclockwise: Z

    2. stiffness: structural, shear, bending

    3. damping: structural, shear, bending

    4. change pin mode & drop cloth:

      1. Pin Upper Corner

      2. Pin Upper Edge

      3. Drop Cloth

    5. Friction/elasticity with ground & sphere

  3. Wind control

    1. wind’s howling/calm

    2. move wind spawn

      1. Up: W

      2. Down: S

      3. Left: A

      4. Right: D

      5. Inward: Q

      6. Outward: E

    3. wind velocity (value)

  4. Light control

    1. move light:

      1. Up: W

      2. Down: S

      3. Left: A

      4. Right: D

      5. Inward: Q

      6. Outward: E

    2. change light color with hue wheel

  5. Move camera

    1. Up: W

    2. Down: S

    3. Left: A

    4. Right: D

    5. Inward: Q

    6. Outward: E

  6. User grab

    1. hold mouse left button to drag the cloth

    2. quit grab mode either by right click mouse button or unclick the checkbox

Milestones to be achieved in the coming months:

  • try optimization methods for both realistic considerations and performance

Architecture Design

Key Algorithms

Mass-Spring System

Blinn-Phong Illumination Model

Tech Stack


Mass-Spring System
Physics Engine
Rendering Engine
Interactive Control
Cloth Simulation

Video Demo


  • Simulated a piece of cloth made from particles, spring-dampers (structural, shearing, bending), and triangular surfaces; rendered the scene with adjustable lights and customized textures

  • Realized effects of gravity, spring forces, aerodynamic force on surfaces, and collisions with ground and sphere

  • Developed a GUI allowing parameter adjustment, camera movement, cloth movement, changing cloth hang mode

Feature Status

The cloth simulation module uses a Mass-Spring System to simulate a piece of cloth. It currently supports the following features:

  1. General 4. pause simulation

  2. Cloth control & physics attributes

    1. move cloth

      1. translate +x (right): D

      2. translate -x (left): A

      3. translate +y (up): W

      4. translate -y (down): S

      5. translate -z (inward): Q

      6. translate +z (outward): E

      7. rotate clockwise: C

      8. rotate counterclockwise: Z

    2. stiffness: structural, shear, bending

    3. damping: structural, shear, bending

    4. change pin mode & drop cloth:

      1. Pin Upper Corner

      2. Pin Upper Edge

      3. Drop Cloth

    5. Friction/elasticity with ground & sphere

  3. Wind control

    1. wind’s howling/calm

    2. move wind spawn

      1. Up: W

      2. Down: S

      3. Left: A

      4. Right: D

      5. Inward: Q

      6. Outward: E

    3. wind velocity (value)

  4. Light control

    1. move light:

      1. Up: W

      2. Down: S

      3. Left: A

      4. Right: D

      5. Inward: Q

      6. Outward: E

    2. change light color with hue wheel

  5. Move camera

    1. Up: W

    2. Down: S

    3. Left: A

    4. Right: D

    5. Inward: Q

    6. Outward: E

  6. User grab

    1. hold mouse left button to drag the cloth

    2. quit grab mode either by right click mouse button or unclick the checkbox

Milestones to be achieved in the coming months:

  • try optimization methods for both realistic considerations and performance

Architecture Design

Key Algorithms

Mass-Spring System

Blinn-Phong Illumination Model

Tech Stack


Mass-Spring System
Physics Engine
Rendering Engine
Interactive Control
Cloth Simulation

Video Demo


  • Simulated a piece of cloth made from particles, spring-dampers (structural, shearing, bending), and triangular surfaces; rendered the scene with adjustable lights and customized textures

  • Realized effects of gravity, spring forces, aerodynamic force on surfaces, and collisions with ground and sphere

  • Developed a GUI allowing parameter adjustment, camera movement, cloth movement, changing cloth hang mode

Feature Status

The cloth simulation module uses a Mass-Spring System to simulate a piece of cloth. It currently supports the following features:

  1. General 4. pause simulation

  2. Cloth control & physics attributes

    1. move cloth

      1. translate +x (right): D

      2. translate -x (left): A

      3. translate +y (up): W

      4. translate -y (down): S

      5. translate -z (inward): Q

      6. translate +z (outward): E

      7. rotate clockwise: C

      8. rotate counterclockwise: Z

    2. stiffness: structural, shear, bending

    3. damping: structural, shear, bending

    4. change pin mode & drop cloth:

      1. Pin Upper Corner

      2. Pin Upper Edge

      3. Drop Cloth

    5. Friction/elasticity with ground & sphere

  3. Wind control

    1. wind’s howling/calm

    2. move wind spawn

      1. Up: W

      2. Down: S

      3. Left: A

      4. Right: D

      5. Inward: Q

      6. Outward: E

    3. wind velocity (value)

  4. Light control

    1. move light:

      1. Up: W

      2. Down: S

      3. Left: A

      4. Right: D

      5. Inward: Q

      6. Outward: E

    2. change light color with hue wheel

  5. Move camera

    1. Up: W

    2. Down: S

    3. Left: A

    4. Right: D

    5. Inward: Q

    6. Outward: E

  6. User grab

    1. hold mouse left button to drag the cloth

    2. quit grab mode either by right click mouse button or unclick the checkbox

Milestones to be achieved in the coming months:

  • try optimization methods for both realistic considerations and performance

Architecture Design

Key Algorithms

Mass-Spring System

Blinn-Phong Illumination Model

Tech Stack


Mass-Spring System
Physics Engine
Rendering Engine
Interactive Control
Cloth Simulation

Video Demo


  • Simulated a piece of cloth made from particles, spring-dampers (structural, shearing, bending), and triangular surfaces; rendered the scene with adjustable lights and customized textures

  • Realized effects of gravity, spring forces, aerodynamic force on surfaces, and collisions with ground and sphere

  • Developed a GUI allowing parameter adjustment, camera movement, cloth movement, changing cloth hang mode

Feature Status

The cloth simulation module uses a Mass-Spring System to simulate a piece of cloth. It currently supports the following features:

  1. General 4. pause simulation

  2. Cloth control & physics attributes

    1. move cloth

      1. translate +x (right): D

      2. translate -x (left): A

      3. translate +y (up): W

      4. translate -y (down): S

      5. translate -z (inward): Q

      6. translate +z (outward): E

      7. rotate clockwise: C

      8. rotate counterclockwise: Z

    2. stiffness: structural, shear, bending

    3. damping: structural, shear, bending

    4. change pin mode & drop cloth:

      1. Pin Upper Corner

      2. Pin Upper Edge

      3. Drop Cloth

    5. Friction/elasticity with ground & sphere

  3. Wind control

    1. wind’s howling/calm

    2. move wind spawn

      1. Up: W

      2. Down: S

      3. Left: A

      4. Right: D

      5. Inward: Q

      6. Outward: E

    3. wind velocity (value)

  4. Light control

    1. move light:

      1. Up: W

      2. Down: S

      3. Left: A

      4. Right: D

      5. Inward: Q

      6. Outward: E

    2. change light color with hue wheel

  5. Move camera

    1. Up: W

    2. Down: S

    3. Left: A

    4. Right: D

    5. Inward: Q

    6. Outward: E

  6. User grab

    1. hold mouse left button to drag the cloth

    2. quit grab mode either by right click mouse button or unclick the checkbox

Milestones to be achieved in the coming months:

  • try optimization methods for both realistic considerations and performance

Architecture Design

Key Algorithms

Mass-Spring System

Blinn-Phong Illumination Model

Tech Stack


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