Traffic Flow and Congestion Prediction

Traffic Flow and Congestion Prediction

Traffic Flow and Congestion Prediction

Traffic Flow and Congestion Prediction


Southeast University


Southeast University


Southeast University


Mar 2019 - Jun 2020


Mar 2019 - Jun 2020


Mar 2019 - Jun 2020

Time Series Analysis
Machine Learning
Deep Learning
Data Fusion
Traffic Model
Urban Topology
Traffic Flow and Congestion Prediction


  • Enabled accurate prediction of traffic speed under various factors (e.g., floating car data, weather condition, air quality, weekend & holiday) using HDL-net, a hybrid deep learning model

  • Built, trained, and validated a multi-layer perceptron (MLP) neural network as a plugin to the HDL-net for predicting the impact of various factors

  • Transformed the traffic speed data to 2D tensors; built convolutional neural network (CNN) and recurrent neural network (RNN) models to extract the spatial-temporal relationship between traffic speeds and specific road segments

  • Introduced the Convolutional Block Attention Module to improve the effectiveness and interpretability of the models

  • Developed a software app to facilitate intelligent traffic monitor based on the model prediction; employed Unified Modeling Language (UML) to guide software design, and GitHub to promote team collaboration and version control

  • Enabled multi-scale traffic speed prediction based on a suite of neural network models in TensorFlow:

    • Collected transportation data from multiple sources, followed by data cleaning to analyze the road characteristics and to extract their topological information

    • Performed 1) short-term (5 minutes to 1 hour) speed prediction using LSTM and GCN models, 2) near-term (1 day) speed prediction via RNN and KNN models, and 3) long-term speed prediction using random forest, neural network, and BiLSTM models

    • Systematically compared the pros and cons of the aforementioned models, focusing on the time efficiency and prediction accuracy across various types of roads (expressway, main lane, side lane, and alley)

  • Designed and prototyped a software app in PyQt5 to enable fast query and visualization of predictive results for specified times and road segments

Time Series Analysis
Machine Learning
Deep Learning
Data Fusion
Traffic Model
Urban Topology
Traffic Flow and Congestion Prediction


  • Enabled accurate prediction of traffic speed under various factors (e.g., floating car data, weather condition, air quality, weekend & holiday) using HDL-net, a hybrid deep learning model

  • Built, trained, and validated a multi-layer perceptron (MLP) neural network as a plugin to the HDL-net for predicting the impact of various factors

  • Transformed the traffic speed data to 2D tensors; built convolutional neural network (CNN) and recurrent neural network (RNN) models to extract the spatial-temporal relationship between traffic speeds and specific road segments

  • Introduced the Convolutional Block Attention Module to improve the effectiveness and interpretability of the models

  • Developed a software app to facilitate intelligent traffic monitor based on the model prediction; employed Unified Modeling Language (UML) to guide software design, and GitHub to promote team collaboration and version control

  • Enabled multi-scale traffic speed prediction based on a suite of neural network models in TensorFlow:

    • Collected transportation data from multiple sources, followed by data cleaning to analyze the road characteristics and to extract their topological information

    • Performed 1) short-term (5 minutes to 1 hour) speed prediction using LSTM and GCN models, 2) near-term (1 day) speed prediction via RNN and KNN models, and 3) long-term speed prediction using random forest, neural network, and BiLSTM models

    • Systematically compared the pros and cons of the aforementioned models, focusing on the time efficiency and prediction accuracy across various types of roads (expressway, main lane, side lane, and alley)

  • Designed and prototyped a software app in PyQt5 to enable fast query and visualization of predictive results for specified times and road segments

Time Series Analysis
Machine Learning
Deep Learning
Data Fusion
Traffic Model
Urban Topology
Traffic Flow and Congestion Prediction


  • Enabled accurate prediction of traffic speed under various factors (e.g., floating car data, weather condition, air quality, weekend & holiday) using HDL-net, a hybrid deep learning model

  • Built, trained, and validated a multi-layer perceptron (MLP) neural network as a plugin to the HDL-net for predicting the impact of various factors

  • Transformed the traffic speed data to 2D tensors; built convolutional neural network (CNN) and recurrent neural network (RNN) models to extract the spatial-temporal relationship between traffic speeds and specific road segments

  • Introduced the Convolutional Block Attention Module to improve the effectiveness and interpretability of the models

  • Developed a software app to facilitate intelligent traffic monitor based on the model prediction; employed Unified Modeling Language (UML) to guide software design, and GitHub to promote team collaboration and version control

  • Enabled multi-scale traffic speed prediction based on a suite of neural network models in TensorFlow:

    • Collected transportation data from multiple sources, followed by data cleaning to analyze the road characteristics and to extract their topological information

    • Performed 1) short-term (5 minutes to 1 hour) speed prediction using LSTM and GCN models, 2) near-term (1 day) speed prediction via RNN and KNN models, and 3) long-term speed prediction using random forest, neural network, and BiLSTM models

    • Systematically compared the pros and cons of the aforementioned models, focusing on the time efficiency and prediction accuracy across various types of roads (expressway, main lane, side lane, and alley)

  • Designed and prototyped a software app in PyQt5 to enable fast query and visualization of predictive results for specified times and road segments

Time Series Analysis
Machine Learning
Deep Learning
Data Fusion
Traffic Model
Urban Topology
Traffic Flow and Congestion Prediction


  • Enabled accurate prediction of traffic speed under various factors (e.g., floating car data, weather condition, air quality, weekend & holiday) using HDL-net, a hybrid deep learning model

  • Built, trained, and validated a multi-layer perceptron (MLP) neural network as a plugin to the HDL-net for predicting the impact of various factors

  • Transformed the traffic speed data to 2D tensors; built convolutional neural network (CNN) and recurrent neural network (RNN) models to extract the spatial-temporal relationship between traffic speeds and specific road segments

  • Introduced the Convolutional Block Attention Module to improve the effectiveness and interpretability of the models

  • Developed a software app to facilitate intelligent traffic monitor based on the model prediction; employed Unified Modeling Language (UML) to guide software design, and GitHub to promote team collaboration and version control

  • Enabled multi-scale traffic speed prediction based on a suite of neural network models in TensorFlow:

    • Collected transportation data from multiple sources, followed by data cleaning to analyze the road characteristics and to extract their topological information

    • Performed 1) short-term (5 minutes to 1 hour) speed prediction using LSTM and GCN models, 2) near-term (1 day) speed prediction via RNN and KNN models, and 3) long-term speed prediction using random forest, neural network, and BiLSTM models

    • Systematically compared the pros and cons of the aforementioned models, focusing on the time efficiency and prediction accuracy across various types of roads (expressway, main lane, side lane, and alley)

  • Designed and prototyped a software app in PyQt5 to enable fast query and visualization of predictive results for specified times and road segments

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