Robust Electric Bus Coordinated Charging Scheduling for a Hybrid Charging System

Robust Electric Bus Coordinated Charging Scheduling for a Hybrid Charging System

Robust Electric Bus Coordinated Charging Scheduling for a Hybrid Charging System

Robust Electric Bus Coordinated Charging Scheduling for a Hybrid Charging System


Southeast University


Southeast University


Southeast University


Jan 2020 - Aug 2020


Jan 2020 - Aug 2020


Jan 2020 - Aug 2020

Scheduling Problem
Robust Optimization
Duality Theorem
Electric Bus
Charing Station
Robust Electric Bus Coordinated Charging Scheduling for a Hybrid Charging System


  • Conducted literature review and field research on the major factors that constrain the popularization of electric buses (EBs)

  • Developed a deterministic optimization (DO) model, with a focus on minimizing the total charging cost and optimizing the overnight charging schedule of the EBs, under the time-of-use electricity prices

  • Extended DO to a robust optimization (RO) model by incorporating the uncertainty of EBs’ remaining power when arriving at the charging station

  • Converted and simplified the proposed RO into a feasible problem using Affine Transformation and Duality Theorem; • Solved the model numerically using the Gurobi optimizer, followed by conducting a real-world case study and sensitivity analysis to examine the model

  • Completed a first-author conference paper, presented at the 100th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board

Scheduling Problem
Robust Optimization
Duality Theorem
Electric Bus
Charing Station
Robust Electric Bus Coordinated Charging Scheduling for a Hybrid Charging System


  • Conducted literature review and field research on the major factors that constrain the popularization of electric buses (EBs)

  • Developed a deterministic optimization (DO) model, with a focus on minimizing the total charging cost and optimizing the overnight charging schedule of the EBs, under the time-of-use electricity prices

  • Extended DO to a robust optimization (RO) model by incorporating the uncertainty of EBs’ remaining power when arriving at the charging station

  • Converted and simplified the proposed RO into a feasible problem using Affine Transformation and Duality Theorem; • Solved the model numerically using the Gurobi optimizer, followed by conducting a real-world case study and sensitivity analysis to examine the model

  • Completed a first-author conference paper, presented at the 100th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board

Scheduling Problem
Robust Optimization
Duality Theorem
Electric Bus
Charing Station
Robust Electric Bus Coordinated Charging Scheduling for a Hybrid Charging System


  • Conducted literature review and field research on the major factors that constrain the popularization of electric buses (EBs)

  • Developed a deterministic optimization (DO) model, with a focus on minimizing the total charging cost and optimizing the overnight charging schedule of the EBs, under the time-of-use electricity prices

  • Extended DO to a robust optimization (RO) model by incorporating the uncertainty of EBs’ remaining power when arriving at the charging station

  • Converted and simplified the proposed RO into a feasible problem using Affine Transformation and Duality Theorem; • Solved the model numerically using the Gurobi optimizer, followed by conducting a real-world case study and sensitivity analysis to examine the model

  • Completed a first-author conference paper, presented at the 100th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board

Scheduling Problem
Robust Optimization
Duality Theorem
Electric Bus
Charing Station
Robust Electric Bus Coordinated Charging Scheduling for a Hybrid Charging System


  • Conducted literature review and field research on the major factors that constrain the popularization of electric buses (EBs)

  • Developed a deterministic optimization (DO) model, with a focus on minimizing the total charging cost and optimizing the overnight charging schedule of the EBs, under the time-of-use electricity prices

  • Extended DO to a robust optimization (RO) model by incorporating the uncertainty of EBs’ remaining power when arriving at the charging station

  • Converted and simplified the proposed RO into a feasible problem using Affine Transformation and Duality Theorem; • Solved the model numerically using the Gurobi optimizer, followed by conducting a real-world case study and sensitivity analysis to examine the model

  • Completed a first-author conference paper, presented at the 100th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board

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